I'm one of those 26 year olds living out my 80s. I talk shop with my Mom-mom and find myself spending a ridiculous amount of time obsessing over my latest project, which at this time is needlepoint. It's gotten to the point where I'm stitching on the subway. I'm keeping my hoop hidden behind my work computer so that while simultaneously checking email I'm getting one more french knot in there. I'm lying. I actually suck at doing french knots and could never attempt to check an email while doing so. But I digress. My poor doggy daddy has a Grandma for a girlfriend and it doesn't help that I'm using Harry for inspiration.
I'm really into vintage patterns. I prefer their simplicity and character over the traditional needlepoint patterns I've seen. I'm also really into FREE patterns and when I discovered these Scottie days of the week here, I immediately thought of Harry.

Harry isn't a Scottish Terrier, but I thought the guy in the tub had the essence of Harry with his old man beard and perky ears. To capture even more of Harry I decided to make the dog brown...problem solved. The project took no more than a few days and probably 4 hours of dutiful stitching. I also changed the "Saturday" to "Bath Time" with a free font pattern I found here.
Harry is pretty proud of the results.
The project is a nice personal touch to our home. I want to do the "Sunday" pattern next, since I don't really anticipate Harry ironing or washing the dishes...although he is making progress in obedience school.