Thursday, July 19, 2012

Harry Cuts Loose

One of the great events Philadelphia puts on is the summer movie series.  Harry accompanied us to Schuylkill Banks Movie Night to see Footloose (the 1984 version) for a friend's birthday.  
First off, free outdoor movie = awesome birthday party.  Friends laid out sheets, towels, blankets and unpacked picnics of cookies, brownies, cupcakes and other birthday baked goods.  
Harry keeps himself busy while waiting for showtime
The movie starts when the sun around 8:30pm but it's tough to call.  We carried Harry over the crowds to our blanket spot and commenced Kevin Bacon-ing.  Harry was pretty psyched when the movie came on.
Harry pays attention during opening credits
And at the end, Harry was so tired from Dancin in the Sheets that by the time Willard learned to dance, he had passed out.   The movie was one of things we had done in the past but made better with a dog.  Check out Uwishunu for more outdoor movies.  It makes a great doggy date!  The best part of the night was after prom the movie audience got up and danced to the credits...only in Philly?

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